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SMCL 2023 – the Local Mayors and Communities Exhibition

A2D au Salon des Maires et des Collectivités 2023

A packed and lively exhibition.

From 21 to 23 November 2023, A2D was present at the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales (SMCL) in Paris Porte de Versailles. The agenda included presentations of our solutions tailored to towns, cities and private players.

Visitors flocked to the demonstrations, which were presented directly at the stand.

From real-life, real-time scenarios addressing everyday challenges to navigation using dedicated applications, technical professionals appreciated the decision support reports enabling significant progress in day-to-day operations.

The exhibition provided us with the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and schedule meetings for future collaborations.

Thank you to our partners, clients and visitors for their interest and support.

We look forward to meeting you again in 2024 with more solutions and results from the projects carried out over the year.