ELEA²D: Pruning checks

To ensure the proper functioning of the inspected equipment, it is important for the distributor to check maintenance of the area surrounding high-voltage overhead lines and to have a precise survey and analysis of the work carried out.

Our solution

Our team of experienced drone pilots, well-versed in the business requirements of Enedis agents, inspects overhead lines and monitors pruning work on vegetation close to the network.

A detailed report, accompanied by photos and videos, allows points of regulatory non-compliance to be listed.

Client benefits

The speed and agility of drone deployment for safely approaching infrastructure ensure control over the work carried out.

Our expertise, recognised by pruning professionals, positions us as a trusted third party.

The digitalisation of essential control information (texts, photos and geolocated videos) to verify and reschedule maintenance operations if necessary.

In summary

The photographs taken enable the operator:

  • to have a comprehensive and georeferenced control of intervention points
  • to reschedule occasional pruning if necessary
  • to assess the risk level at any given moment
  • to receive the report file

It is worth noting that our secure application notifies the operator of the availability of its information as it is produced.